In This Section


Corporate Social Responsibility Policy


Target for Chemicals Industry & Trade was established under company laws on January 1, 2002.

Short Title

This policy, concerning the Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) of Target for Chemicals Industry & Trade, is named the “Target Chemicals CSR Policy.” It will encompass any alterations, amendments, or modifications over time.

Vision Statement, Objective, and Applicability

TARGET CHEMICALS aspires to “Enhance Stakeholder value while adhering to the code of ‘Responsible Care’ and ethical values.” To realize this vision, TARGET CHEMICALS has set the following mission for itself: through innovations, constantly striving to bring about better products and processes that generate greater value for society, ensuring effective contribution to society, value addition to stakeholders, and the growth and development of its employees. This CSR Policy aligns with the applicable provisions of company laws and the rules issued under them.

The CSR policy is designed to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Enhance the well-being of individuals in the areas surrounding the plant and offices. b. Generate a positive impact by fostering sustainable developments in society and advocating for environmentally friendly practices.
    c. Act as a responsible and responsive corporate citizen by striving to create a safe, harmonious, and ecologically balanced environment for its members and the broader community.
    d. Uphold a steadfast commitment to quality, health, and safety in all aspects of the business and for its people.

Additionally, TARGET CHEMICALS aims to foster heightened commitment at all organizational levels, ensuring the operation of its business in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner, while acknowledging the interests of all stakeholders.

The CSR Policy is applicable to the formulation, execution, monitoring, evaluation, and documentation of CSR activities within the target locations, encompassing the Company’s offices and plants.

The CSR policy is geared towards achieving the following objectives:

  1. Improve the well-being of individuals in the vicinity of the plant and offices.
    b. Foster a positive impact by initiating sustainable developments in society and advocating for environmentally friendly practices.
    c. Act as a responsible and responsive corporate citizen by actively working to establish a safe, harmonious, and ecologically balanced environment for its members and the broader community.
    d. Uphold a steadfast commitment to quality, health, and safety across all aspects of the business and for its personnel.

Moreover, TARGET CHEMICALS is dedicated to heightening commitment at all organizational levels. This commitment is directed towards operating the business in an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable manner, all while acknowledging the interests of its stakeholders.


The CSR Policy is applicable to the development, execution, monitoring, evaluation, and documentation of CSR activities within the target locations, encompassing the Company’s offices and plants.

Members and Meeting of CSR Committee

The CSR Committee convenes as needed, adhering to the minimum requirements set by the Board or as mandated by applicable laws or authorities from time to time. The committee comprises the following members:

Ms. Noura Abaza: Chairperson

Mr. Mohamed Samir: Member

Mr. Walid Salem: Member

CSR Approach and Guiding Principles

As a responsible corporate entity in Egypt, the company is committed to contributing to inclusive and sustainable community development within its operational areas and across the country. The primary goal of the company’s CSR projects and programs is to enhance the quality of life for individuals and cultivate enduring social capital through active engagement in social initiatives that benefit the community.

The guiding principles governing the selection, implementation, and monitoring of the company’s CSR activities, as well as the formulation of the annual action plan, are outlined as follows:

i-Selection of CSR Projects and Programs

1- While the company may conduct CSR projects/programs anywhere in Egypt, preference will be given to local areas surrounding its manufacturing facilities/units.

2- The company is committed to non-discrimination among beneficiaries of CSR projects/programs, ensuring equal opportunities regardless of factors such as caste, creed, gender, race, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. However, a focus may be directed towards economically or socially vulnerable and marginalized segments of society.

3- Selection of CSR projects/programs may involve a thorough need assessment, consultation with local bodies/government authorities, or any other appropriate process, taking into account the nature of the activity, including emergent requirements arising from natural calamities, disasters, pandemics, etc.

4- In the case of CSR projects/programs with an implementation schedule exceeding one year or significant financial outlay, the company will make efforts to clearly define:

              i.Project/Program objectives.
              ii. Implementation schedules, including timelines for project/program milestones.
              iii. Major expected results and measurable outcomes.

5- CSR programs, projects, or activities undertaken by the company will align with one or more areas or subjects specified in the Companies Act, as amended periodically.
f. The CSR initiatives to be executed by the company in accordance with this policy are detailed in Schedule I appended herewith.

ii- Implementation of CSR Projects and Programs

  1. The duration for implementing a specific project or program will be contingent on its nature, scope, and intended impact.
  2. TARGET CHEMICALS will adopt a project/program-wise accountability approach, emphasizing the long-term sustainability of its CSR projects/programs. These will be categorized as follows:
  1. Ongoing Project – A multi-year CSR project/program with a timeline not exceeding three years, excluding the initiating financial year. This category also includes CSR projects/programs initially not approved as multi-year but extended beyond one year by the Board of Directors based on reasonable justification.
  2. Other Projects – CSR projects/programs not classified as Ongoing Projects fall under this category. c. CSR projects/programs will be implemented with the participation of the local community, where feasible, and in consultation with local administration at the village, block, and district levels, as applicable. To maximize the desired impact on society, the company may align its CSR projects/programs with initiatives by the Central Government, District Administration, and Local Administration, as appropriate.

3-The execution of CSR projects/programs will be carried out by the company itself and/or through Societies and/or any other implementing entities meeting the criteria outlined in Rule 4 of CSR Rules.

4- During the planning and implementation of CSR activities, consultations and associations may be sought with target beneficiaries, local authorities, professionals, institutions, etc., engaged in similar activities, as needed. f. The agency will engage professionals on a need basis whenever deemed necessary for planning and implementing various projects.

iii- Monitoring of CSR Activities

  1. The annual action plan, sanctioned by the Board of Directors, will delineate the monitoring and reporting mechanism for CSR Projects/Programs.
  2. CSR programs/projects will undergo monitoring utilizing suitable tools such as field visits, self-assessment reports, feedback surveys, impact assessments (if applicable), periodic reviews, or any other suitable mechanism.
  3. The company will conduct an impact assessment, facilitated by an independent agency, for CSR projects/programs with outlays of one crore rupees or more, as per the CSR Rules requirements.
  4. The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (CSR Committee) of the Board of Directors will periodically oversee the progress of CSR projects/programs or designate individuals authorized by the Committee/Board.
  5. The Board of Directors will receive periodic updates on the progress of CSR projects/programs. For Ongoing Projects, the Board will monitor implementation in accordance with the approved timeline and year-wise allocation.

iv-Formulation of Annual Action Plan

  1. Based on the implementation timeline, a specific CSR Project/Program will be categorized as an Ongoing Project or Other Project according to the previously outlined parameters.
  2. The CSR annual action plan will encompass the following:

           i- A list of CSR projects or programs approved for undertaking in areas or subjects specified in the Schedule of the Companies Act.

           ii- The method of execution for these projects or programs, as specified in the sub-rule of Rule 4 of CSR Rules.

           iii. The modalities for fund utilization and implementation schedules for the projects or programs.

           iv-The monitoring and reporting mechanism for the projects or programs.

           v- Details of need and impact assessments, if any, for the projects undertaken by the company.

           vi- The annual action plan will also include the budget/outlay approved for the CSR projects/programs to be undertaken.

CSR Activities Schedule

  1. The Board shall ensure that the CSR Activities undertaken by the Company align with the following objectives:
  2. Eradicating poverty and malnutrition, promoting healthcare, including preventive healthcare and sanitation, with contributions from the Central Government for the promotion of sanitation and access to safe drinking water.
  3. Promoting education, including special education and enhancing vocational skills, particularly among children, women, the elderly, differently-abled individuals, and livelihood enhancement projects. iii. Promoting gender equality, empowering women, establishing homes and hostels for women and orphans, setting up old age homes, day care centers, and other facilities for senior citizens, and implementing measures to reduce inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups. iv. Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources, and maintaining the quality of soil, air, and water. v. Protection of national heritage, art, and culture, including the restoration of buildings and sites of historical importance and works of art; establishing public libraries; promoting and developing traditional arts and handicrafts. vi. Training to promote rural sports, nationally recognized sports, paralympic sports, and Olympic sports. vii. Contribution to incubators or research and development projects in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and medicine. viii. Rural development projects. ix. Slum area development—For the purpose of this item, a “slum area” means any area declared as such by the Central Government, any State Government, or any other competent authority under the law for the time being in force. x. Disaster management, including relief, rehabilitation, and reconstruction activities; any other project as may be specified under the Schedule of the Companies Act, from time to time.
  4. The CSR Activities will be carried out with a preference for local areas around the Company’s operations. CSR activities may also extend to urban, rural, and tribal communities, as warranted by social engagement, based on needs assessments.
  5. Considering the scope of activities outlined in paragraph 8(a) above, the CSR Committee will recommend specific CSR Activities to the Board for approval.

Budget/Approval of CSR Projects/Programmes for CSR Activities

  1. The CSR Committee will propose to the Board of Directors the expenditure to be allocated for various CSR projects, programs, and activities, along with the annual action plan for a financial year. In the case of an Ongoing Project, the total amount to be spent on the project/program over the years will also be recommended.
  2. After considering the recommendations from the CSR Committee, the Board of Directors will approve the expenditure for CSR projects, programs, and activities, along with the annual action plan for a financial year. In the case of an Ongoing Project, the total approved expenditure for the project/program over the years will be determined as deemed appropriate.
  3. The Board or CSR Committee may delegate or sub-delegate necessary powers for the execution and implementation of this policy, including powers to address unforeseen and/or urgent requirements.
  4. The approved expenditure shall not be less than 2% of the Average Net Profits of TARGET CHEMICALS over the three immediately preceding financial years.
  5. TARGET CHEMICALS may enhance the CSR capacities of its personnel and implementing agencies. However, the Board will ensure that administrative overheads do not exceed five percent of the total CSR expenditure of the Company for the financial year.
  6. All administrative expenses, including wages and salaries, tours and travels, and training and development of personnel involved in CSR activities, will be included in the total expenditure for CSR activities.
  7. The expenditure on CSR activities encompasses all expenses incurred by the company for the general management and administration of Corporate Social Responsibility functions but excludes expenses directly associated with the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of specific CSR projects or programs.
  8. The Managing Director of TARGET CHEMICALS, based on the total approved budget, will be authorized to allocate funds for different projects yearly under different budget heads for undertaking CSR activities.

Reporting on CSR Activities

  1. An annual report on identified and implemented activities/projects will be presented to the CSR Committee.
  2. The Board’s report incorporates the annual review of the Company’s CSR activities, providing essential information in compliance with the Act and the Rules.
  3. The CSR Policy, including details of the CSR committee’s composition and Board-approved projects, is accessible on the Company’s website.
  4. Should the Company fall short of meeting the minimum CSR expenditure, comprehensive reasons for the shortfall are meticulously disclosed in the Board Report.

General Provisions

  1. Profits generated from CSR projects or programs will not contribute to the business profits of TARGET CHEMICALS.
  2. Board approval, based on CSR Committee recommendations, is mandatory for any amendment or modification to the CSR Policy.
  3. The most recent and revised version of the CSR Policy is integrated into the Board’s report.


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